
By amberelli

Newton Faulkner..

So tonight me and mam made our Newton Faulkner Bracelets and t be honest, I'm pretty over the moon with them! :)

Earlier on I went down to drop my bmx off at Bron's...poor Amy had hers stolen yesterday. We were sat outside while she was on her scooter, outside the shop, and her bike was on the floor beside us. I was taking photos of Amy doing tricks on her scotter. The second we stepped in the shop some bloke ran off on her bike. The woman over the road had it all on her CCTV and it's gutting to watch, realising he walked past us twice, then hid around the corner (Bron's Pet shop is on the corner) until we'd turned our back then boom! Straight off with it.

Amy, although gutted, seemed pretty happy when I told her she could have mine. Absolutely gutted for her though! :(

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