
By StephenS

Lauriston Castle

A glorious day. Myself, No 1 and 3 headed down to see my sister-in-law F (Shiv's sister). Also visiting was my brother-in-law M, over from Canberra.
We took a walk around the grounds of Lauriston Castle, which is 5 minutes walk from where F stays. 
It's a great place, always a favourite, and good for Easter Egg rolling etc. It also has a wonderful Japanese Garden overlooking the Forth. The extra photo today is of No 3 trying out her boomerang, a present from Australia.
I went for a lovely meal later, only the second 'proper' night out in the past seven months. Myself, F, her husband, my other brother-in-law, G and M went to a lovely Indian restaurant in town. 
You picked a selection of a few, but varied, small dishes. It was like Indian tapas! Actually the previous time I was out, was last week with the same company!
No 1 baby sat No 3. She really is a star, very helpful. I came home (late!) to find that she had done the ironing! 
It's these small gestures that can lift your mood.

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