
By LeeAnne


Shopping... I had to rethink my outfit for next Sunday where I'm going to attempt not to burn whilst being officially named as Godmother to little Sophie. Mainly because I can't fit my fat arse in the trousers I bought and didn't bother to try on so I bought a dress. Actually I bought two and will decide when the second one arrives which I like better.

Now apparently I'll look like trailer trash if I go bare legs without tights. Jeremy Kyle legs she said... I assume she didn't actually mean Jezza! That Withers woman is offensive! Can't have shiny tights cause they look sweaty and Gem suggested adding some gravy! I assume she meant fake tan but that would just be even more ridiculous. Nude tights make me think about working in Safeways when I was still at school and we had to wear American tan tights... they were hideous! The leg saga continues... this is why I wear fucking trousers! At least I have shoes for every occasion!

So I came home and baked cause that's clearly the thing to do when your arse needs its own postcode. Fortunately I didn't eat them... two quadruple chocolate loaf cakes and a lemon drizzle cake are safely tucked up in the freezer to travel south next weekend.

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