
Actually there were lots of parapentes gliding around. A day that had many choices for a blip, but went with this one as it has so nice tones during the sunset.

It's been a day of relaxing mostly. Few things acomplished like unpacking all the rest from yesterday. Some shopping. Walking withe the dogs and a nice nap of the sofa.

I'm still quite tired. I even got provoke in Instagram. I finally managed to upload some photos there. And then someone left me a comment saying: "U spell Rhein with h idiot". So provoked as I was I replied: "Not in Finnish imbesil" and managed to misspell right there too. Well, should not have gotten provoked. Sometimes people forget that "if you have nothing nice to say, be quiet".

We did a 8 km walk with the dogs this evening, so now I'm ready to get some z's on. Good night everyone!

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