
By Fisherking

........some thing has been missing.....

.......from this house for a while............particularly over the last it came back.

I'm still battling with the side effects of the steroids........but I'm getting there.

My sis and my niece decided they were coming for a visit today.......the Daughter, the S & H, YH and the girls decided we should have lunch.

The Daughter turned up about 11.00........and went on a supermarket assortment of sandwiches, sausage rolls, pork pies, cheese, continental meats, salad, mini sausages, chicken nibbles, picnic eggs and drinks.

Every one was here by 2.00.......we sat in the sunshine and ate and drank............Shaun rang me...........he needed to know how to peg out a match for 5 teams of was good to feel needed......and then the phone rang was Helen's youngest brother, Jungle Rob, on his way back from his reservist weekend with the RAF.......and he was 30 minutes away and calling in!.............and his partner, the lovely Sue, was also on her way from home to see us.

The S & H tribe nipped out to view some of the local scarecrows set up for the annual competition............apparently the Minions were a big hit with Charlie and Hannah.

We all met up here again.........the food and drink came out....again......including the ice creams..........long conversations were played...........tales and reminiscences were told..........even the cats joined in.........and Hannah played the Ace by constantly referring to Uncle (Jungle) Rob as................Auntie Rob!

And what was it that came back?.............the sound of laughter..........and life..........and love.

They've all gone now....................and I'm on my own again........but it's ok.......I had a great day...........and I'll have more.......with friends and family...........and blip.

So thank you dragged me back to the light again today.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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