Elizabeth at Work

I am so impressed with th e work of my fellow students in ceramics this year. This is just one of the amazing sculptures that some of my classmates are making. As you can see Elizabeth is makeing a fulll sized head and shoulders of an African woman. So wonderful. And there are more great pieces. We started with a focus on process and not product. But we are making a lot of that as we explore our creativity. I am having a blast and so are my fellow students. Should mention, Elizabeth's piece is hollow.

Tonight is "Hat Night" and people will be dressed in some amazing chapeaux. I'm looking forward to seeing some kookie hats. After dinner and the program we will all be heading down to the ceramics studio to unload the bisque kiln and load the second kiln to dry out and bisque the rest of our work. I can't wait to see what comes out of the kiln tonight.

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