
By kevinmcc

Followup on the Lexus fire from Aug 1st

Kind of a lame blip today, BUT... I did promise my readers a followup on the recent Lexus fire, so here goes.

After the "fire", the the trusty 20 year old Lexus was towed to a nearby repair shop. Please refer to this link if you did not catch this story originally.

A couple of days later, and the repair shop determined that the cause of the the fire was an electrical wire connected to the alternator. Evidently the main wire from the battery shorted out against the frame of the car.

One new alternator, a new wire, and the the car is good as new! This car has 150K miles and I'm told should be able to run up to 250K miles! So... money WELL spent ($500) to avoid writing off a perfectly fine car and then having to assume monthly car PAYMENTS!

Cars simply take us from point A to point B. The "badge" (brand) on the front of the car means NOTHING unless you happen to have an ego issue and just have to have the latest greatest car on the road :)

Commentary aside, the Seattle Fire Department rocks!

Seattle maintains an online web site that allows the public to view real time fire calls on the web.

For those of you with even more curiosity - here is expanded link to MY incident back on the 1st.

Less than a ONE minute response time! But DO keep in mind that I was just 1/2 block away from their station! Looking back - quite humorous as the emergency dispatch center patched me into the actual fire truck that responded, and the calm voice on the other end of the line asked me - "are you standing next to the white Lexus?" when they were still a hundred feet away.

"YES, YES, - that's me" I responded - as I stood there still shaking with cell phone in hand.

Have you thanked a Firefighter recently? I have the up most RESPECT for these men and women! They are fantastic!

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