Call the fashion police!

…...............Continuing on with the poorly collie saga...........................

As I'm getting better and better (although I'm still not eating a lot), Ann is getting poorlier and poorlier. Today she felt so tired and lethargic that she spent the afternoon in bed and then she got up to take me for my walk.

Because she was feeling so awful she wasn't paying proper attention when she picked up my lead and it wasn't until we were half way round our walk that she realised her mistake!! I am a very fashionable little collie and I never, ever go out in an un-matching collar and lead. Ann said, 'Molly, it's not going to matter that you're uncoordinated for one walk. It's not like we've met anyone that we know.'

Mmmmmm....................... famous last words! Just at that moment Saffy & Emma (the bestest behaved collies in the world) came round the corner. And guess what they were wearing?................. brand new matching bandanas! I really like Saffy & Emma but they are 'perfect pooches' all the time. They never have to go on their leads because they walk perfectly at all times, they always wear bandanas and they just don't seem to have the ability to do anything naughty?! I only wear my bandanas when I'm going somewhere special and there's no water or mud for me to go splish, splash, sploshing in. Saffy & Emma don't do wallowing around in water and mud! And they call themselves collies? And under their bandanas they have jewelled collars. If I had a jewelled collar it would be rusty the first time I wore it because I wallow around in water so much. Ann felt so embarrassed that I wasn't dressed properly. Their owner is really nice. She likes me and thinks I've got 'personality'??!!  Ann says that's just a polite way of saying that I'm naughty! Anyway she told Ann about a 'champagne tasting night' that she's organising. Obviously drinking champagne and eating canapés all evening is something that Ann will enjoy so she was pleased that we met Saffy & Emma.

….............................Even if I did look like the worst dressed little collie in the whole wide world!!!

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