A good perch

can be found atop No 1 daughters head. The other day she suggested we take some time and visit wingspan, the birds of prey trust in Rotorua. She'd never been. So we did. And it was a great display. They flew two NZ falcons for the crowd of 7.

The karearea , Falco novaeseelandiae, is endemic and endangered. It was shocking to hear that they are still persecuted by people who feel their pigeons or chickens are threatened by these fearless and audacious hunters. The flying display is , simply , impressive. They are fast and accurate. Two of us standing a metre apart and this little guy comes between us at knee level at staggering speeds. Tried very hard to get in focus shots in flight. Might have to go back another time.

For anyone who should find themselves in the vicinity of Rotorua, this is one of NZ's hidden treasures. It is a small unassuming organisation dedicated to the rehabilitation and welfare of NZ's raptors.

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