
By scribbler

Tiny print

Continuing mono month, first Tiny Tuesday.

I gloat over my ability to read the fine print without glasses! 

When I needed cataract surgery my ophthalmologist told me most people prefer replacement lenses that correct for distant vision; they wear glasses for close-up work.

I said, "I spend my time reading and writing and drawing. I want a lens that lets me read the fine print on a medicine bottle!" And that's just what I have. This is my attempt to represent it. The Pilot pen is there for scale. The height of the little bottle is only 7cm including cap, and yes, I can read the print without my glasses.

Does this qualify for TIny Tuesday? Who knows? It was fun thinking it up.

P.S. Tiny fans with suggestions for how to do macro on an iPhone 6 Plus (my only camera), please comment! Thank you.

Many thanks for recent interesting conversations in comments, and for all the stars. A special welcome to blippers new to my blog.

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