Free parking

The shopping trolley has been there for months, I'm sure it isn't paying ;-)

Blimey it was cold today. Gloomy, cold, and a bit of drizzle thrown in. I still feel chilled after biking home.

In house news nothing happened today. I haven't signed and returned the last page of the Approved Agreement of Work I was emailed yesterday because I don't know what I'm signing. I've asked my support person but haven't heard back.

I visited my mate in hospital after work. It's not even quite a week since she got the news she has a brain tumor. Tomorrow they'll do a bit of exploring. I bought a copy of NZ Wilderness and showed her the pictures of a trip she did earlier in the year. I hope we'll tramp and climb stuff together again.

"Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best".

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