The fox that got away.

I spotted this poor wee beastie in the garden a couple of days ago.
Today he was obviously injured & wandering about the garden limping and looking knackered. He stayed around for over an hour so I was concerned and phoned SSPA and they were very helpful. Within 30mins this young lady came out to help and the poor wee soul was still lying under the hedge. So she crept down with her loopy thing but lo & behold the wee devil was up and away.
She later told me it was the seventh call out for this fox this morning reporting it being injured.
On the good news front new chick in the nest so hope it survives.
Off to Channel Islands (Jersey) for a week, but of a sentimental journey with E's ashes to scatter over G's grave & visit the relations. E would love it she's going in a tea caddy, she worked for ten years in a tea company in the city.

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