A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Argument settler

Technically they sell it as a Bolster Pillow but I have high hopes come the morning it can be better named a Peace Bringer. Too often the loveliness that the kids invading almost every morning should bring becomes too brutal a waking up as they fall between our pillows and end up wrestling them from beneath our heads. And inevitably once the pillows are not doing their intended job they end up as weapons and before we know it we are spectators at a pillow fight. I'm more of a gentle ease myself into the morning sort of person so this is my cunning plan.

Today has been a very good day with a backdrop of giddiness as I am relishing the high that feeling normal gives when it is in direct contrast to days of feeling like death warmed up.

And I'm planning a good sleep in preparation for a double bill of culture and fun tomorrow.

Lesley x

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