I am rosco

By iamrosco


Glorious sunshine today - only just bearable in shorts and t-shirt (don't worry, no public order offences were made as I kept it decent despite not being built for this heat).

Quick stop at Pitt Cue under Hungerford Bridge for some (well) recommended pulled pork, definitely worth detouring for. Then on to the Tate Modern (where this was snapped) and the Munch exhibition, keenly avoiding the Hirst stuff. Turns out I don't pronounce Munch correctly, or certainly that was the jist of the non-too-subtle hint from the friendly ticket lady.

Finished up the day with trip up to the Eagle - L has been jealous of my date nights spent there with Mr Scobes, so I thought I'd better show her that while it is very nice, it is not the romantic den she feared.

Ain't that right Scobes.

200m final in Little Denmark down at St Katherine's Dock wasn't bad either. A good load of folk making for a cracking atmosphere. Handball try-outs, free pølsers, Danish drinks, a scale model of the 'lympic park in Lego and a full size wind turbine also in Lego.


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