A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Reasons to be cheerful

1. Didn't break the pump.

2. Spent the morning on the beach and the afternoon in the pool with just a brief interlude to restock the fridge and cupboards in the middle.

3. Carl's back.

Numbers 3 and 1 are tenuously linked as I was trying to do a thoughtful thing and make sure the pool was topped up so the pool boy didn't have to leap into action as soon as he was back. However, my excitement at getting ready and leaving for number 2 meant that I forgot to turn the water off and have consequently run the well dry. That isn't really an issue because it will be flowing again by morning and the house water tanks are full. However, it is possible for the pump to blow if the water level is too low. By some freak of good fortune it didn't. It would have been a bad start to number 3. As it is I still have one breaking the pump in hand before we are quits. Which possibly isn't in the spirit of things but is reassuring nevertheless.

And if I wasn't limited by the song I would have I included 4. Steak BBQ for dinner.

Happy Friday!
Lesley x

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