Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Old and new

The iPencil drawing that I posted the other day- together with the initial doodle. I should be able to doodle on the iPad directly but firing up a machine seems against the spirit of Doodle.

Wednesday, lunchtime football at which I was slow. I've got a small pull in a muscle which affected me. Which muscle? That's not important. Well, it's the gluteus. Which is a pain in the arse.

Then, in the evening, a plumber came round to sign the death certificate on the shower. Amazingly, the stop cock turned the water off properly. Less amazingly, when we turned it back on, it started leaking. So we now have two jobs for the plumber. Nice guy though...

Today was a football fest. A game at lunchtime followed by two (count 'em) Powerleague games in the evening. Lost the first but beat a bunch of kids in the second. Good warm-ups stopped the sports injury (pulled arse) from bothering but on the drive home the Morgan's hard seats were another pain in the butt.

M home at 11:30 and a 4:15 get up in the morning to go to Luton airport.

Joy reigneth unconfined.

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