the colour green

By jukeys

another brilliant day

Mum and I started off our day with a lovely breakfast of scrambled egg and bacon on sourdough toast at a cafe just around the corner from our AirBnB place. That set us up for the day :)

We got the bus into town and headed for Marks & Spencer first for baby clothes. It's overwhelming buying stuff for babies! What size do you go for? What exactly do you need to buy? Do you go for gender neutral stuff only? It's a minefield! :)

We went to a few more shops and stopped for a drink in between at this place called the Boozy Cow. We were served our drinks in such a hipster fashion - mum's strawberry cider in a massive glass tankard(!) and my can of San Pellegrino fizzy orange in a bean tin without its wrapper! haha.

We finished off our shopping trip in John Lewis where I was able to buy some lovely blankets and more clothes for the wee one. Mum and I then had a cuppa and a cake up in the 4th floor cafe which I didn't know about before - we had such a great view out over the Forth! 

Jumped in a taxi back to the house and rested up before meeting Margaret, Julie, and my wee godson Blair for fish & chips in the evening. Great to see them and the dinner was gorgeous! 

So much food consumed these past few days. Making up for all the stuff I can't get in France :)

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