Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Keeping busy

This morning was a morning I was dreading, I travelled to Hampton on the hill a village 2 miles away and the final place for Theo and Daisy.
Today I picked up two tiny wooden caskets both with special messages engraved upon them.

I'm not at all a religious person but many years ago I was taught some of the Buddhist faith by a Buddhist monk.

He taught me how to meditate as I'd reached a very stressful period in my life.

The Buddhists believes that when we die we come back as either a lesser being ( this is if you have led a life of bad things for example you have murdered somebody then you will come back not as a human but say a wasp.) But if you've lead a life of helping people and kindness you will come back as a greater being.

As Daisy was a therapy dog then I'm sure when she returns to this earth she will indeed be the princess that I always thought she was.

Theo may not have been a therapy dog but he was my friend, he will indeed come back as someone or something that enjoys life to the max.

I've kept myself busy I've walked the dogs what seems like miles

On my return I only wanted a light meal so I had a chicken salad and looked down at my feet to see Roo gazing up for a snack.

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