
Mum went shopping and when she got back, I asked Did you get anything for me? Not really hopeful, but... It turned out she had!!

In my new class last Sunday, they taught the mums and dads lots of useful things. I love that! Among other things, new treats were introduced, and today, mum had gotten us some just for us! Especially for training. I could not believe my luck! Just look at this! Bacon cheese, to lick from the tube, and soft cat food!

And oh, there was a new hi-viz vest too. In my size, as opposed to the Grand Danois one I already have. Good, I suppose.

Another boot camp obedience training Alice class lesson tonight. But no new treats. I got prince sausage, which is on my top five list of Yummy Training Treats. It was nearly dark when we finished. Phew!

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