Grey Friar

 The name Greyfriars came from the grey robes worn by the Franciscan  monks. In Bristol their monastery was founded at some time before 1234, with buildings inside the town walls before moving to just outside. The site included extensive gardens,  an enormous church , with monastic buildings all surrounded by a stone wall. Following the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry V111 the premises were leased to the town council in 1541 for a  "consideration of £1,000 cash and a yearly fee farm rent of £20"  but the Council wanted to use the stone to make repairs to the town walls and the harbour facilities and that is  what they did!. . Many different uses have been made of the site including a chocolate factory and a Moravian Church but it is currently occupied by an office block and part of Bristol Dental School.  My entry for mono monday/culture with thanks to Ingeborg for hosting

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