Inventive Fisherman

How inventive is this guy? No it's not spiderman or someone who had a bad lunch.

I went back to the park again but wasn't hopeful of getting any ice pics because it got up to 7 degrees today. I was right.. no skaters. Howerver, this guy was out on the water fishing with a net.

I am not sure how cleary this will all come out as a blip but his 'boat' is little more than (and may even be) an old inner tube. The hand made paddles are about 30cm long including the handle. He rows backwards so he can let out his (not so new looking) net. Yes, he has made some type of wierd contraption that that holds the net and fits in his mouth so he can paddle and run out the net at the same time. What a clever little fellow he is.

Actually I think he is amazing..

Put a few birdy pics from today on flickr here if you are interested.

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