Net worth - priceless.

A morning with Thea, slowly on the mend... Poor Danny had to sort out repairs on the 24-7 Ibiza van...never fun and always more long-winded than expected...a job that should have been done today now won't be done until Wednesday...which meant much to-ing & fro-ing for Danny collecting the van & leaving the car, then bus-ing & walking it to the car as we'll need it tomorrow etc etc... And of course not knowing it wouldn't be ready today until the end of the day!
A lovely afternoon with Asha doing maths work (which she loved!), then a quick wander down to the rocks before dinner. A few more rocks pics here...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The morning with Thea.
2) Asha's love of learning.
3) The smell of the sea.

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