
By Shin

little one

Yesterday he ran a fever of 39.5C. Last night he moaned an groaned and kept me awake throughout the night. This morning he was fast asleep and so was I. When I woke up it was 8.38. School starts at 8.45. So that was a big rush, with cheerios in a bag for the older kids in the car to get to school as soon as possible. The little one I had to wake up to take to school, but he was in such a state he refused to put on any socks, let alone shoes, and coat. So I wrapped a coat around him and just put him in the car. Of course once we were in the car and driving, he screamed his head off, that he wanted his shoes on. Oh well, his fever luckily dropped down and as you can see, he is his cheery self again (although he still likes being pampered with a pillow in his back and a blanky over his legs)

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