Tussock Tales

By TussockTales


The Boss got a new toy last week. It arrived in a courier pak and he was quite excited as he opened it and explained to me that it was an ND (no dog) filter. Variable type.
Apparently ND filters usually come in 1 or 2 stop dog versions but this one is variable and can eliminate up to nine dogs at once from a photo. Amazing I thought. But wouldn't be simpler just to shoo the dogs out of the way I thought again. Sometimes the Boss is very confusing 'Cos I don't usually see many dogs (except ME) when The Boss is taking pictures.
ANYWAY he said we would go out this morning and try it at Hawea. Last time I was there about a week ago there were some dogs in the back of a truck so I guess he was thinking of them. You know photograph the truck ...dogless. Hmmm

So off we went and we got past Albert Town and it was foggy so he photographed this and we went home.
Sometimes I just do not understand The Boss at all.
Oh and the filter stayed in the camera bag. Obvious really, as there was not a dog in sight.

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