
By WorldWideWriter

Mono Monday – culture

It’s hard to believe that I’m back in grey Britain after being in Sweden yesterday (lovely weather there!). Our last activity there was to visit the Nordiska museum which had a very interesting section on Sami culture.
The picture is of a kuksa, which I was given on my visit to Swedish Lapland earlier this year. This is a handmade wooden drinking cup (mine is big enough for one shot). I have taken the following from the designer’s website:
Kuksa is a handmade wooden drinking cup. People in Lapland have used kuksas for thousands of years and when treated right it will last for lifetime. There are as many kuksa designs and sizes as there are makers, since all of them are made by hand. You can find tiny little kuksas or ones big enough to use as a soup bowl. Most common size is around one cup.

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