if it’s blue it must be tuesday

I get to the gym early today to try and grab a blip that does not rely on something from the house or garden.  I don’t notice, until I view this on the computer that it’s turned into a selfie.

I’m feeling quite sparky this morning because (a) I’ve had a good weekend, and (b) I beat Anniemay in the ‘whose cholesterol has reduced the most’ competition.  Hers has dropped by around 10%.  Mine has dropped by 50%.  I’m now in the ‘sit down and grab yourself a sausage’ range.

Six months ago both our cholesterol levels were ‘cause for concern’.  We’ve been meat-free for over a year now and we eat a relatively low-fat diet anyway, so scope for doing much diet-wise was limited.   Anniemay has reduced her levels by hard work and exercise and I’ve resorted to drugs.  

For a long time I just said no.  But I discovered that a lot of people at my gym were doing statins - with no side effects - and so I thought, ‘where’s the harm?”  I started on 40mg/day.  My total cholesterol, after 5 months, is now 3.4.  

Anniemay is currently borderline ‘normal’ (yes quite) so still has a little way to go yet.    To even things up I’ve reduced my dependency to 20mg/day.  AM will now go to the gym 8 days a week and live on a stock cube in hot water.  We’ll have another competition, no doubt, in 3 months time.   

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