love is a verb

By loveeveryminute

Mist and Memories

It's finally cool enough in the mornings to form a beautiful mist over the pond. The goldenrod have overtaken the island and are such a glorious spot of color.
Hubs keeps saying he's going to hoist the old pontoon raft out of the water and do away with it, but hasn't yet. And I'm not sorry. To the unknowing it's an eyesore. Yet, to me, it evokes such wonderful memories!
In summers past, there might be 2000 pounds of kid on that raft all trying to be the last one standing. Our home was always open to kids (and adults) and was always full! When they were HERE, they were not THERE, getting into trouble.
We never knew how many we would feed, or sometimes, where the food would come from, but it always came. God always provided.
These kids are now in their 30's and we are blessed to keep contact with quite a few, watch them grow their own families, make their own memories.
Hmmm.... The pond is not not the only thing misty...

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