
By Chiara


In Turkey, Greece, Italy, India, Israel, Iran, and some other countries in Europe and the Middle East, there's a belief that if people look at you with the evil eye (envy), you will get bad luck. That's why there are apotropaic talismans, which are talismans with a certain symbol that protects you from others' malicious eyes. They can be found on necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, and in this case, hanging from a rearview mirror.

My freshman year of college, I interviewed a Greek woman for my Oral History class. She gave me a handmade bracelet that had the apotropaic talisman symbol all over it and told me that her friend made it in Turkey. She winked at me and said, "You'll need it."

I really like the concept behind this talisman. I think that envy and greed are two of the ugliest characteristics a human could ever possess.

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