Commemoration train Valtteri

"In 2012, marks the 150th anniversary of regular train service beginning in Finland.
Commemorative Train Valtteri is VR Finnish Railway Museum in conjunction with the renovated train veteran.
Is selected from the train locomotive Dr13 number 2349 "Alsthom" and is fitted to the ATP equipment. The number Hr1 1021 "Ukko-Pekka" can pull a train track sections that do not require the use of an ATP-board hardware. Wagons on the train is a different outfit for decades puukorisia restored carriages. Most handsome cars are A100 saloon car, which has been restored 1970s attire. A 100-seat passenger car class III series not represented by the 1940 figure on a wooden bench. The 1950s, combined with a café and a passenger car series Eik, who eventually represented the modern cafe cars. Connected to the conductor and a passenger car series represents a renewed baskets of wood Efi on the Helsinki commuter 1970's passenger cars."

Used google translator for this, hope it makes sense ;)

Here's more info in English

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