Turkey Boy

Scout and Angus are always on the lookout for turkeys.  Because we had a mild winter by Michigan standards last year, we have many.  Scout is fast as lightening and i worry she could tangle with one someday.


This is an amazing video about a  local farmer that found a bowl of eggs on his front porch, his life was forever changed. Joe Hutto, possessing a broad background in the natural sciences and an interest in imprinting young animals, incubated the eggs and waited for them to hatch. As the chicks emerged from their shells, they locked eyes with an unusual but dedicated mother.
Deep in the wilds of Florida’s Flatlands, Hutto spent each day living as a turkey mother, taking on the full-time job of raising sixteen turkey chicks. Hutto dutifully cared for his family around the clock, roosting with them, taking them foraging, and immersing himself in their world. In the process, they revealed their charming curiosity and surprising intellect. 

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