Gwrando ar y Geiriau

Treuliais i awr gyda siaradwyr Cymraeg heddiw. Dw i'n ceisio trefnu cyfarfodydd bob wythnos, jyst cael siawns i siarad a gwrando ar Gymraeg.  Heddiw roedd pump ohonon ni, tri siaradwr a dau ddysgwr.  Mae'n fuddiol jyst i glywed pobl eraill yn siarad, a dw i'n ffeindio fy hun yn deall mwy a mwy.  Lle oedd unwaith dim ond sŵn, nawr dw i'n gallu deall mwy o eiriau unigol. Mae'n broses araf, ond mae'n swynol.  Dw i'n teimlo fel dyn byddar sy'n dechrau clywed eto.

Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog - Celwydd Gola Ydi Cariad

I spent an hour with Welsh speakers today. I'm trying to set up meetings every week, just to have a chance to talk and listen to Welsh. Today there were five of us, three speakers and two learners. It is helpful just to hear others speak, and I find myself understanding more and more. Where once was just noise, now I can understand more individual words. It is a slow process, but it is fascinating. I feel like a deaf man who is beginning to hear again.

Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog - Celwydd Gola Ydi Cariad

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