First of all . . . ouch . . . thank you so much . . . ouch . . . for your comments . . . ouch . . . yesterday . . . ouch . . . and for the offers to protect me or . . . ouch . . .  take my camera equipment . . . ouch . . .  hehe . . .
Thankfully I have survived and I even took L out for the day . . . to watch a railway in action.
Today I present two views from Day One of the Welsh Themed Autumn Steam Gala on the North York Moors Railway . . . NYMR. Teccie details below for those interested.
I hope you all have a grand weekend ahead !
76038 a Standard Class locomotive, which is really loco 76079.
Extra shows
45344, which is really 45428, pulling The Whitby Enterprise and double-headed with 61264 . . . distinguished by being the only ex-LNER locomotive sent to, and rescued from, Barry Island.

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