
Tonight I went to my first Yogalates class. I've been doing a challenging Yoga class each Wednesday for a month now, the problem is that I am so stiff and inflexible by the time Wednesday comes around again I feel like I'm staring from square one! I have decided that I need to do a yoga class earlier in the week so I make the most of Wednesday.

Tonight's class felt like it was a bit of dance, a bit of free flow moves 'at your own pace' , a good dolop of relaxation and a few bits of twisty yoga stuff. I think it's a class that is as challenging as you make it.

The teacher is very positive, happy and spiritual. The class is about being present in the moment and being at one with our surroundings and the rest of the group. It was clear everyone in the class knows each other well. She had us doing goddess poses on our tip toes and I managed to have a good go at an Eagle pose and my first effort was decent. I think this class will be good for my balance and my state of general relaxation.

The class came to an end as the sun was setting and when I 'woke up' after the relaxation session we all sat around a candle the teacher had lit in the middle of the dark room :-) felt very lovely

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