Norwich Cathedral

After the cremation, at Earlham, built in a rather brutalist style along with most crematoria, my brother, sister and I meandered along the cloisters of the cathedral before my brother headed back to London. My sister and I had tea and made some plans for the later service back at the church at Deepdale, and then I drove back there.

I walked down to the sea in search of the solitary colchicum I found a couple of years ago to no avail but did stumble across parasol mushroom central before heading across the dunes to the beach. There wasn't a soul to be seen for at least ten miles either in the direction of Wells to the east or Scolt Head in the west, the tide was coming in with a chaos of breakers beckoning me in. So, as the sun set I took the plunge and then headed back as the geese flew over at dusk.

Updated 23/4/23 … realised the link above no longer works

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