oldjoe's snaps

By oldjoe

Monday Mono -- ROOTS= My Old Home Town,Cirencester

this got me wondering what about our own "Roots" so based my entry on what i feel are mine up to a point.
 Cirencester  where my Roots lie  is being "improved" as you can see from the shot above. not only did they take away my birthright to park free  of hindrance in the Market Place some years ago they are doing away with the parking there altogether.
 the extras are :- 
1. My Great Grandparents home and Grandmothers birthplace
2. My Great Grandfathers work place, he was Deer Keeper for the Park (as it is now)
3. My birthplace, my Great Grandmothers apartment in the "Barracks" as it was known. Built to house the North Gloucestershire Militia who later became 4th Battalion of the Gloucester Regiment.
4. My first school, Lewis Lane Infants and Junior School , that first day oh so traumatic being left with all those strange people by your mother. no pre school in those days.
5. My last school, Cirencester Grammar School which celebrated it's quincentenary while i was there. what was it like? well, i had six teachers that taught my mother (a mixed school in pupil terms but divided by a wall across the quad to seperate them)  so that tells us the type. one who still used the same punishment method as he did when she was there, he would get the offenders all lined up and would make them hold hands then give each end person a wire to hold these were connected to a hand generator which he would then wind vigorously until their hair was standing, oh what fun :(  there were others who had a similar sense of humour. still we all lived to tell the tale. a nice lady let me in to take this shot of the quad ,all the buildings are exactly the same (maybe some new windows) as when i left 56 years ago

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