
I'm staying with Alfie, the Beardie, for a few days and we always go on our morning walk with Tess and Teddy the little black spaniels.

This morning guess how many other dogs we met? Ten! And I greeted them all very politely. Ann's sister, Sue, was well impressed by my behaviour. Alfie always goes into leaping about excitable mode when he meets other dogs.

This afternoon we went for our walk round the reservoir and I thought we'd be allowed to go swimming together. Unfortunately there is blue/green algae in the reservoir so we had to stay on our leads and didn't get to do any splish, splash sploshing. Boohoo.

All this socialising has worn me out and made me hungry so I asked Sue for early dinner at 3.20pm. Sue says I've got to wait till 6pm. That's a long time for a hungry little collie to wait for her dinner!!!

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