Bully...no, not that one!

I haven't blipped our sweet (at least to humans) little dog Maica in a long time. Tongues firmly in Cheeks, we call her the Cutest Little Dog in the World. Her mom was a Jack Russell, her dad...a travelin' guy with genes that include American Staffordshire Terrier, a breed very similar to the Pit Bull, which I believe is the only reason Maica has any mellowness in her at all. Any of you who know Jacks will appreciate it when I say that Maica sees herself as the Alpha in our house. Since I consider my own self the Alpha, we not occasionally find ourselves at odds. She is very aggressive nasty Aggressive/Nasty toward other dogs especially puppies and older dogs, the ones that she 'knows' will not be able to stand up to her bullying. That's what she is...a Bully! Having been a teacher for 30 years, I recognize a bully when I see one. She put's poor, sweet Tara in her place...daily! To her credit, Tara has so far had the good sense to allow the Cutest Dog to be the 'boss' of her. Thankfully Maica is not running for the highest political office in the land! Whew! ;)

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