Yoda emergency blip......(and I see from reading other posts I am not the only one relegated to the emergency blip today....:).....).  It's been a ridiculously busy day with rug purchases and installation in my sister in law's new apartment, moving things around, getting my hair colored, helping move a TV, taking Marcia to see the new rug and lamps and then going out to dinner.  Add into that the worry about the hurricane ready to wreak havoc on the east coast of Florida.  Our friends who came over yesterday are doing okay here, but really hope they have a home to go back to after the hurricane passes. 
 We are all finally back home and about to collapse.  In a couple days, Marcia will be ensconced in her own apartment and we'll get to hanging pictures and all that after a couple of weeks so she can think about where she wants things.  She still needs a couple pieces of furniture and those will require a little shopping, and we're all too tired to do any effective shopping right now!  SO, Yoda it is for today.  He sits on my desk and was quite obliging!!!  :)

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