
By memento

Pillow potato

My old girl, almost 20 now, riddled with arthritis, can no longer climb the flight of stairs to the main level. For almost 14 years her routine would be to eat and then join us for an hour of TV. She loves wildlife shows; National Geographic is her favorite. It saddened me a great deal about a week ago when she simply stopped coming upstairs for her daily dose of interaction with both of us.

Fortunately, there are dozens of youtube videos that keep cats occupied, stimulated and entertained. When I lay down with her to watch, she gets so snuggly and excited, chirping and swatting at the screen. Alternatively, I just put it down and she watches till she falls asleep, kind of like Mr. M.

Who knew the dastardly little mobile device could actually prove useful one day for something other than me frittering away my time.

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