
I've been involved in an ongoing series of Saturday workshops at The Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield to create a phonebook and I was putting the finishing touches to my draft yesterday using `Pages'.  Apparently we are going to use `In Design' today which is the Adobe professional page layout programme, so I'll need to use a computer belonging to gallery.

It's a busy month for me as I'm exhibiting some work at The Art House Cafe in Sheffield with Sheffield Printmakers and I also have my LRPS assessment later this month, so the pressures on at the moment.  So I thought I'd check out the framer in Stocksbridge as I know several other members of the photo-club have used him and took along a couple of prints to be framed, one a present and one of my own for display.  This may have been a mistake as he has a backlog of things needing to be framed!  It also gave us an excuse to call in at the newly opened shopping complex in Stocksbridge, which opened last June on part of the site of the former steelworks.  We were really quite impressed.  We were able to buy home baking and cheese from the market section and it was lovely to see Andy there with his fruit and veg (we usually catch up with him at the Saturday Penistone market - well if we make it).  What I really liked though was the old Victorian buildings that were the home to Fox's Umbrella Works and which now belong to what remains of the Tata Steel Plant - and I forgot to take my camera, so I think another trip will be in order soon.  It's a really impressive building and because it sits in the very bottom of the Don Valley the hillside rises up behind it and provides a lovely backdrop.

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