A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Apparently it is a very important trait in a double bass player so the parents have been given strict instructions not to help carry the bass, stool or books. So I made myself useful taking pictures instead. I did stay around to help with opening doors but I have a feeling that may no longer be necessary too.

I am now 10 hours away from this image and about 11hours into my day* which has gone a little like this:

7am - alarm, breakfast for shattered boy (see below)
7.15am - dog walk
8.25am - drive Anna to RCM
9am - paperwork and admin in RCM cafe; watch Anna move between classes with only minimal door opening helping.
10am - drive home
10.30am - walk to M&S to buy everything but the breadcrumbs I needed
11am - prepare lunch
11.30am - drive to collect Anna from RCM
12.30pm - home; lunch
1pm - take dog to park; J's medication
2pm - remember hadn't showered yet; shower
2.15pm - FT from NYC
2.30pm - Rummikub with kids
3pm - walk Anna to dance class and buy missing breadcrumbs from Waitrose; buy various birthday cards and wrapping paper, though there are currently no presents to be wrapped
3.45pm - sneak in a cup of tea and read Tim Dowling and Hadley Freeman
4pm - laundry and kitchen cleaning
4.30pm - friends pop in to co-ordinate children returning from dance classes; make cheese and potato cakes
5pm - J's medication
5.30pm - cook cheese and potato cakes round 1 - J; Anna's sleepover guest arrives; friends leave
6pm - sit down and read depressing newspaper; blip instead.

Next will follow cheese and potato cake making round 2 - Anna and mate. And possibly a black bean chilli for me. And a glass of something dark and red.

And an early night.

It's not been relaxing but it's been surprisingly pleasant.

Lesley x

*I'm counting being awake between 2-4am with a boy and dog having been awakened by engineers working on the tube line directly outside our house as disturbing last night, rather than starting today far too early.

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