You lookin' at me?

They crammed twenty four of us onto the trailer for the tour around Woburn deer park looking for......... deer.  Unfortunately today coincided with a quite significant cycling event which really upset the stags, whose females had dispersed in all directions.

Before getting into the trailer I decided I was going to sit at the back, which meant I could move between left, right and rear.  Sometimes I'm not as daft as I look. 

Apart from the deer, I saw a brown bear on the other side of the safari park fence and dozens of red kites circling above the enclosure.  They presumably swoop down to collect what they can before the lions and tigers get a look in, or maybe they just get the scraps.

A reasonable day, but not as exciting as I'd hoped because most deer scarpered before we got close.  Gordon the red deer was very co-operative but not what I was after.

This is a Pere David deer, not the prettiest, but it's about all I've got that's worth blipping.

I see I'm No. 1 on the popular page thanks to the mad lot who gave me hearts for my 1000th.  I know, I know, it was for the achievement, not the picture.  Still chuffed.

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