The jungle...

... has been chopped back. Mr C cut the grass while I spent a couple of hours chopping back the jungle.

Awake very early as Mr C was taking Sim and the boys to the airport. As it was so early (4.30) we were holding our breath that there would be no incident. Phew! All dropped off at the airport ok.

This afternoon J (our dear friend we went away with and James mum) rang me asking for Sims phone number. Is everything ok I asked. Sims fine but James was taken off the plane unwell and taken straight to hospital. Oh my!! Have just heard from Sim (he has finally got wifi) they are keeping James in overnight although he is feeling a lot better than he was, not sure if its kidney stones, and they are hoping he will be discharged tomorrow so they can begin their holiday. Praying and fingers crossed for them.

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