Sea View Again

A bit of a lie in catching up on the papers, and I had been passed an article from Saturday's Mail ( I know..) all about Phil Collins' first wife Andrea (Collins has an autobiography on the way... zzzzzz). Anyway y'see Andy (as I knew her) used to come and visit Charles Eustace (sounds like useless - try not be, was his witty self-deprecating introduction) at his big house in Sussex when I was biding there in the early eighties. We all knew she was Collins's ex and was having it off with Charles, but I think my part should really have been revealed in the Mail. Ooooeerrrr. Yes - because I got to know Andy quite well. Indeed. But just so very briefly. So very briefly.
So, to the day - a trip up to the farmers’ market where we bought very little but spent a fortune. Presumably because the pound is now worth a euro or groat. The place was mobbed. MrK who visited later with his daughter told me that his partner had looked at some artisanal ’handmade biscuits’ before realising they were dog biscuits.
So, on to 98, a visit to the maw who was flat out and none too well looking, home and then out again - to the Queens Hall to see Suzanne Vega. Pretty excellent - well, the old stuff was - her newer stuff written for some musical…. well, maybe you had to know it. And it was good bash - good seats, good beers - and very gallus shoes which shouldn’t be forgotten.

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