When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

Art Attack

No. Coffee.
Brain. Work. Not. Good. 
Riot. Many words. Discombobulated. Eggs. Printing. Hurry Up. Eh?

Caffeine fires up the grey cells. Riot is asking if I want to attend the printing workshop she’s going too as there’s a spare place. There are eggs on the go for breakfast. Much to my surprise, I say yes. I also nearly kill myself eating breakfast (French Scrambled Eggs, best-scrambled eggs!) too fast. 

Citymapper has been confusing me for some time by continually pushing multiple bus journeys at me as the cheapest way to get places. We finally have an epiphany on route to Lewisham Art House for the course, when we check the TFL website and find out about the addition of the recent Hopper Fare… Ahhhh. Suddenly everything is Tab clear.

After a horrendous cup of coffee from somewhere, that shall remain nameless (as I can’t recall the name…). We commenced the printing workshop with a drawing exercise crossbred with an ice breaker. This involved staring at someone you’d never met intently from a distance of about a foot while you made a murderously bad drawing of them (you weren’t allowed to look at the paper whilst drawing so facial geography was problematic).

Fortunately. It largely moved uphill from there. Starting with some mono-printing onto pre-inked acetates, we dabbled with a variety of fairly unpredictable monoprint processes.

In the afternoon we did some print drawing from the short film Pierrot in Turquoise (aka The Looking Glass Murders). Frankly, the course was worth it for finding out about this bizarre oddity alone. Seriously. Check it out. A pre-fame David Bowie and some mimes. Originally recorded by Scottish Television in 1970 and probably chucked out just before the channel went off the air for the night.

As the workshop ended, Suitably covered in black paint, we used our new improved understanding of the transport network to get home in super fast time. It was fish finger sandwiches for dinner. Then off out for one of our former flatmates birthday celebrations.

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