Sepia Saturday

Went to Breda in the afternoon and bought what I wanted to buy.  And now to study how it works ... hahaha!  This is like that old game Charades and the clue is that it is two generations 'younger' than what I'm currently using.  Another possible clue is that I'll be using it next weekend when I go on that day-trip to Battle Abbey.

I thought I would shoot something while in Breda and I did look around, but then the light in the sky was quite nice on my way back home and so I guess this is it.  Working on the genealogy project because I want to get that itch out of the way.  They should get the next assignment by Tuesday next week.

In the meantime, an update on the family inheritance issue.  I mentioned about two weeks ago that our sollicitors and theirs were supposed to hold a closed conference with the judge ('Approach the bench, please'), and they did, last Wednesday, 28 Sept.  We have received the bill for that one, including preparing for it, studying the docs, and so on.  Actually, three bills already, the first two of which have been paid, no problem.  The third, though, was really a cannon shot.  Again, that should not be a problem, we are well prepared.  Now, though, who should enter the picture but bro-in-law J and his wife M.  J said that he is insured for what we call 'legal assistance' with the ARAG (never mind what this means, it's in Dutch).  He wants to help us with these ghastly fees and arranged with our sollicitors (J is part of the story, of course, because like hubby, he doesn't agree with how the estate has been managed) to send the bill directly to the ARAG, who is now supposed to help J help us.  The idea is to split the costs 50/50.  When we checked with the sollicitors, they said that they have been in touch with the ARAG.  However, as is their policy, they sent us this bill, which needs to be settled within 14 days.  They sent the same bill to the ARAG, and when the ARAG pays them, they will return 50% of the amount to us.  The thing is, from experience, they know that the ARAG waits about 6 weeks before paying anything.  In short, we need to settle it first.  M told us that should we need assistance, we should ask them and they are willing to help.  From experience, though, hubby and I both know that M doesn't really mean that.  How many times were they supposed to split costs and didn't?  J and M are now on a short holiday in France and don't want to discuss money -- 'call ARAG and they'll sort it out'.  I have told hubby that I will not wait as I do not want to miss the 14-day payment deadline.  It's a familiar 'situation' with J and M and we have resolved not to bother them any more and simply trust our sollicitors to keep track of their Excel sheets as we keep track of ours.  If ARAG helps out, fine, but we are not counting on it.  J is happy he doesn't have to pay a thing, but what short-term good will that do us?  Hubby and I have learned our lesson well, fortunately.  If you want something settled, do it yourself.

Oh yea ... the outcome of that closed conference?  The judge hasn't passed any verdict yet.  So we're still waiting for the two verdicts -- the decision on hubby's sickness benefit and this one.  How long yet?  Absolutely no idea.  I'm glad the world hasn't stopped turning, though.  There's a load of beautiful and happy things out there for our enjoyment and we've done what we could.

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