What a world...

...we live in.

There are more good people in this world than there are bad I know, but sometimes you wonder what is up with some of the people living on this planet.

Over the weekend there were two stabbing near to where I grew up and a place I regularly visit to go out in. There is an 18 year old is critically ill in hospital, then it was published in the news today a 14 and 15 year old had been arrested in connection with the attempted murder.

I was a moody teenager I'm sure, but had no "real anger" in me and if I had enough of something I would just listen to some music or go out on my bike. 

On top of this we have to deal with some idiots dressed up as clowns scaring the life out of the general public. I again love a good horror but when people are scared to walk in and around their towns it's gone too far.

Come on folks get a grip there is enough "real threat" in this world.

Mr Bo Hingles

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