
It was lucky I took this upon waking up as I took nothing the rest of the day and nearly didn't blip as I had forgotten I had! It was wonderful to see the early morning sun had turned the mist pink.  
Rest of the day went downhill - firstly because I discovered rat excavations in my back yard! I had cleaned out the rat bait box when I started my war with the rats on the allotment, I'm thinking rat bait just attracts rats! Moving plants on the wooden seat arbour itis under I spotted earth piled up around it. On clearing everything out from under the bench, old pots, saucers, bags of soil, I discovered the soil they had tunneled out spread all along and around the half barrel next to it, plus a hole in the surface of the earth in the barrel! The barrel sits in the corner of my walled yard, the arbour along the length of the side wall and the trellis of the arbour means getting to the barrel is difficult as the coop is along the back wall next to the barrel! Imagine my horror when I spotted in the corner of the wall a massive hole leading into my neighbours coal house! How did they chew thru a brick wall?!! Or maybe the wall didn't go down as far at this point? 
So I spent the next few hours gathering stones to throw into and block off the hole, moving all the earth and throwing it on my front garden. I then discovered they had thrown earth beyond the end of the arbour and around all the pots next to it! So all pots pulled out and more earth collected so it was back to the cement base.
At this point in the proceedings I saw a young couple in the back lane looking up and talking about my attic window - I said hello and the guy was very embarrassed to have been caught  looking! He explained they were looking at Cynthia's house and wanted to convert the attic and noticed  mine - so I invited them into look! 
Now I should say I can't remember the last time I had a shower, was covered in soil and had not made my bed - what a way to make a first impression! So as they made their way round to the front door I flew upstairs and threw the duvet over the bed and regretted not having put the laundry away let alone the clothes draped over the railings around the attic staircase!  So - I showed them the whole house and Tilly and Polly having fun pecking round where the pots had moved. They commented that the car outside with the bumper sticker of the B&W photo of Henrietta and the words " Money can't buy happiness but it can buy chickens!" must be mine! 
After this little neighbour-possibly-to-be  break, I  replaced the pots and all those pots with soil but no plants in or bulbs that needed repotting, were also emptied onto front garden and bulbs stored for replanting at some point! 
Time for a late afternoon lunch and a little snooze! I woke with an itchy throat that then became sore and joy of joys I realised I had the first and hopefully last cold of the season! I had meant to have gone to Film Night at Party Girls and was to have driven Friend, but she had had a bad day and wasn't going so that meant i didn't have to either! An evening in front of the TV with FatCat it was! 
On heading for bed I decided to make a sore throat gargle - I have given out the recipe many times to people, but needing it myself could I find it in it's usual place? Of course not! So I guessed the amount of ginger oil lemon oil, honey and cider vinegar - and had to use Apple balsamic vinegar - the result tasted like something you would clean paint brushes with! It did seem to ease the soreness though! So I'm not sure if this has been a lucky day or not - I did have a clear out of pots, hopefully have deterred the rats or at least given them access to fresh bait, may have helped a young couple decide on buying the house, have hopefully nipped the cold in the bud! But I still have not had a shower and feel pretty rough! 
Oh and I am still wondering where the rats dug all that earth from considering all but where the arbour stands is cement! ! I shall be looking for subsidence in the wooden barrel and the back yard as a whole! I think the rose will have to go if it's not already been killed by the rats if. as i suspect they have nested in there! It's been there years and has not been flowering well for a number of years so no great loss! But that is so a job for a later date as everything including the coop will have to be moved to get to it. I guess I'm lucky the rats didn't tunnel up into the run underneath the coop! 

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