Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Dull, Flat and Oh Goodness!

Ever since a carton of very old black and white film fell off a shelf and hit The Boss on the head he has had a bit of a love affair with dull days. Dull days used be ones when we stayed home and grumped. I have become quite skilled at grumping as one of my favourite games (on any day) is to sit upstairs and view the park opposite and when it appeared that someone with a dog, was going to come close to my fence I would scoot downstairs, blat through the dog door, race to the fence and engage in social chit chat with the dog.
The Boss got a bit fed up with this so whenever he heard me huffing my way down stairs he started shouting NO!!!!! no!!!!! and other controlling stuff and shutting the dog door at peak traffic times and I have responded to this with semi obedience and grumping. OK ok I know it is terribly antisocial but it was FUN! And "Cos we have a lot of shrubbery on our fence line, it scared the daylights out of the dog, and I guess it's owner, which is what upset The Boss.

Ah where was I...Oh yes DFO. Well the way to fight the DFO blues (Dull Flat and Orrible light) is to have a carton of Ilford FP4 fall on your head is to shoot for Mono and always make sure you don't blo the highlights out. And then go home and spend the rest of the day playing in Lightroom. It's much the same except I do get a run around and there seems to be less grumping.
Into the water

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