On Some Days

By V1k1

Back To The Drawing Board.

This is Nyla and she is six.  She is concentrating on drawing a Paua or Abalone shell.  Her finished drawing was completely shaded in with lines showing the rough patch where the Paua attaches to the shell.  There were the holes carefully drawn as neat circles.  Other drawn shapes showed the patterns on the shell.  Of course I was again delighted that children so young just have a go and do detailed natural drawings.  This term I'm doing art activities that show what summer is.  
The mystery macro was a foot from my Mums sewing machine.  I think it is a foot used when you want to sew in a zip.  Three clever people guessed it.  In the extras I have included the other attachments in the box because they are a mystery to me.  I have no idea what they are for.
Thank you for visiting my journal when I am slowly getting back into routine and still haven't caught up with everyone. 

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